2008 Season Begins…

Details of the first event announced…

Welcome to the 2008 season of the Club Leitrim Poker Tour. We’ve come a long way from our first season with our table tops and kitchen chairs. We’re looking forward to our 5th season being the best ever.

The inaugural event of the 5th season is Friday January 4th, 2008 at 7:00pm. The game will be held in our basement facility.

Please confirm by leaving feedback below (preferred method) or emailing the CLPT Office.

Season Highlights

The buy-in for the 2008 season is 25$ (exact change preferred) which will be allocated as follows:
5$ from each player designated for the player bounty
2$ from each player designated to the tournament of champions pot
1$ from each player designated to the Bull’s Eye Bounty
20$ from the money pool towards the high hand jackpot
The remaining money pool will paid out as prizes for the winning players

The only rule change this year is the “Carole Clarification“, where you must of lost all of your chips before rebuying. Players can only surrender their chips at the end of the rebuy period. Bounties must be cashed out when rebuying and are no longer in play and rebuy players are no longer eligible to earn bounty chips.

We’ve also changed the website to encourage your comments and feedback. Please use this area to confirm attendance and any other comments you may have.

January confirmations:
Marc R, Doug, Martin, Bruce, Lynn, Pete, Kevin, Jim, Brian, Sean, Louis, Cheryl, Steve, Eric, Joe, Carole, Jean-Guy, Kien, Garnet, Paul H, Paul M, Roger, Roxy, Johnny, Jon R,Anne, Dan, JP, Scott, Paul F, Pierre