September Tournament News
The CLPT is announcing that September 12th is the date of the September event. Start time is 7:00 pm which will be strictly abided by.
Event is returning to the garage location. A great thanks to Johnny for hosting during the hot summer season.
The following players have confirmed
Marc, Doug, Johnny, Dan, Garnet, Theresa, Brian, Sean, JP, Steve, Jean-Guy, Dan P, Cheryl, Pete, Paul H, Roger, Paul M, Pierre, Jim W, Scott, Louis, Jo, Carole, Lynn, Bruce, Keith, Brent, Jon, George
Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm.
Please confirm below.
There are only 2 or possibility 3 tournaments until the tournament of champions, therefore its time to get down to business and gather those points.
The top ten so far
John B 39.61 Johnny 29.89 Joe 28.13 Sean O 26.85 Bruce 24.53 Louis 20.86 Cheryl 18.69 Marty 16.61 Steve 16.56 Marc R 15.86
The top 8 qualify for the TOC tourney.
I’m in.
I am in
I’ll be there!   ~Theresa
Hi Marc
After a long hiatus I am back. Count me in !
I’m in…thx Sean
Count me in. JP
I will be there. Thanks to you, Dougie and Jonnie for hosting and planning.
Salut Marc, I’m in. Dan P will let me know in a few days. FYI, in the standings Dan P with 12.04 points and Daniel with 1.20 points are the same person.
I will see you on the 12th.
I will be there
I’m in.
Salut Marc, Dan P. is in.
I will be there to donate my money to someone again.
Ok looks good for me this time.
I’m in
Hello Marc….I will be there!!!!
Thank you
I will attend
As of today you can include Brent and Jon for the Friday tourney. I’ll get back to you asap if there are more.
You can add Keith in for Fri.
We’ll both be there. Thanks.
I am in.
A late addition–Mike C. will play on Friday.
It was my first time, and it did not herts. Thank you for a fun night. Cannot wait for the next tournament. Thank again to all to make feel welcome.