April Event Details
The next date on the CLPT is April 24th, 2009
Start time is 7:00 pm which will be strictly abided by. The event is limited to 30 players and will be located in the garage location.
The following players have confirmed
Marc, Johnny, Doug, JP, Roger D, Dan S, Joe, Carole, Jean-Guy L, Jean-Guy B, Sean, Garnet, Pete, Cheryl, Louis, Brian F, Paul H, Scott, Steve, Roger M, Jon, Keith, Brent, Jean-Pierre L, Lynn, Bruce, Stephane G, Dan P, Stephane C, David H, Alain L, Marc L, Caroline, Theresa, Bryson
Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm. If you like having the food that is available, please consider contributing as well.
Please confirm below.
I’m in. JP
Yes count me in. I will be there.
I’m in.
Dan S
We’ll be there. Thanks
I will be there count me in. Thank you
Salut Marc, I’m in. Thank you.
Hi Marc – I am in, but only if I am at the same table as Joe !!!!!!!! Sean
I’ll be there
Yes I will be there
I’ll see you on the 24th.
Count me in!
Im in
I’ll be there.
I’ll be there on the 24th.
I will be there.
Thanks Scott
will be there, forgot how to play.
I’m in…. Roger M.
Brent, Keith and I are in–see you all at the beach
I will be there for April 24th 2009…if there is still room..
Still more room as we try to hit 30 as this will be a garage event.
Hi Marc, Stephane Gagan and Dan Paris are in if there’s any room. Thanks
Sorry guys my kitchen pass was revoked, I have somebody by the name of Steph Collins that would be interested in plkaying in my spot Scott and Doug know him, easy money I hear….
Since it is now a Garage event, do you have more room so that I can I bring a friend! Thanks, RogerD
Bruce and I are in!
Stephane G, Dan P, Stephane C are in, Jean-Guy L is out. Roger, you’re friend is in… What’s is name?
Thank you, my friend ‘s name is Dad H (David Hepner) and we will both be there Friday evening.
Salut Marc, Dan P can’t make it on Friday but my friend Alain Laframboise wants to play. Please let me know. Thanks.
Salut Marc, Stephane Gagan can’t make it anymore. Sorry about that. Me and Alain Laframboise are still in. Thanks.
The event is now full….A reminder that we are in the garage…
Hi Marc! Bryson and I will be joining you on Friday! See you then!! ~Theresa
Yo. This is an official confirmation, Caro and I are in! We will be there unless you confirm that we can’t.
see y’all soon…..
sorry for the last minute pull out–im stuck in Gatineau at a hockey tourney.