September Event Information

The 2011 Club Leitrim Poker Tour enters the “chase to the finals” season with it’s September 30th,  2011 edition.

The September Tournament is being held in the basement location.

Confirmed Players:

Marc R, Doug, Cecile, johnny, Bruce, Leona, Roger D, David H, Steph, Paul, Joe, Carole, JP, Theresa, Cheryl, Dave, Pete, Scott, JF, Lynn, Tyrone, Lise, Bob, Mike, Mark, Shawn, Roger M, Brian, Garnet

Event Details

The event begins promptly at 7:00pm. Late arrivals are accepted until the end of the first round.

Please keep your beverages to cans (no bottles please) to help keep the location clean. There is no fridge available.

Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself.

Players registrating prior to 6:45pm will be allocated an extra 500$ blue chip.