September Event Information
The 2011 Club Leitrim Poker Tour enters the “chase to the finals” season with it’s September 30th, Â 2011 edition.
The September Tournament is being held in the basement location.
Confirmed Players:
Marc R, Doug, Cecile, johnny, Bruce, Leona, Roger D, David H, Steph, Paul, Joe, Carole, JP, Theresa, Cheryl, Dave, Pete, Scott, JF, Lynn, Tyrone, Lise, Bob, Mike, Mark, Shawn, Roger M, Brian, Garnet
Event Details
The event begins promptly at 7:00pm. Late arrivals are accepted until the end of the first round.
Please keep your beverages to cans (no bottles please) to help keep the location clean. There is no fridge available.
Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself.
Players registrating prior to 6:45pm will be allocated an extra 500$ blue chip.
LeonaD and RogerD will be there, thanks.
I will be there
David H
im in steph p
I’m in, thanks
Joe and I will be there.
Thank you.
I will be there for sure.
Looking forward to it!
Dave and I will be there
I will be there. Marc, can you please send me Joe and Carole’s email address?
Dan S
yes I will be there
I will be there
YUP. . .Count me in. . .
Bruce and I will be there. I will most likely be late. A friend Scott D. will also be attending.
I also have Tyrone coming as well. Thanks Marc
Lise and Bob are in.
I’ll be yhere
Diane and I won’t be able to attend…have fun
Sorry won’t be able to attend will be coming back from the North Pole on that day…
i’m in!
I will be there – tyvm
I am in!
I’m in again!
I’m in…
Hi Marc,
Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it tomorrow.
Good luck everyone! (ok, maybe not Scott, Mike and Joe)
Pat will be there.