February Information

February 26th is the next date on the CLPT

The next event is on February 26th at the basement location.

This location has a concrete floor, so bring appropriate footware. No boots will be allowed in. Please enter via the garage door.

The event is limited to the first 28 players to sign up.

Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself. Also, please keep your drinks to cans to ease the clean up effort.

Please sigh up below.

Players confirmed: Marc, Doug, Johnny,Theresa, Jean-Guy B, JP, Dan P, Sylvain M, Roger D, Brian F, Guy B, Pete,  Joe, Carole, Dan S, Mark P, Garnet, Sean, Patrick C, JF, Bob, Lise, Steph P, David H, Roger M, Jean-Guy L, Cheryl, Scott, Dave P, Steve, Louis, Brandie, Keith, Melanie, Paul M