July Tournament Information

The summer garage circuit continues with the July 16th edition of the CLPT located at the garage location.

The event begins promptly at 7:00pm. Late arrivals are accepted until the end of the first round.

Please keep your beverages to cans (no bottles please) to help keep the location clean.

The event is limited to the first 36 players to sign up.

Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself. Also, please keep your drinks to cans to ease the clean up effort.

Please sign up below.

Players confirmed: Marc, Doug, Johnny, Joe, Carole, Pete, David B, Roger D, Steve, Shawn P, Mike C, JP, Paul M, Dan, Cheryl, Dave P, Garnet, Scott S, Paul H, Keith, David H, Mike S, Steph, Pat, Louis, Theresa, JF, Roger M,Mark P, Bob, Lise, 1Knight, Brian F

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