May Event Information
May 14th is the next date on the CLPT
The core Club Leitrim team has returned from Mexico which means it`s back to poker.  This event will mark the start of the summer season and will therefore be located at the garage location.
The event begins promptly at 7:00pm. Late arrivals are accepted until the end of the first round.
Please keep your beverages to cans (no bottles please) to help keep the location clean.
The event is limited to the first 30 players to sign up.
Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself. Also, please keep your drinks to cans to ease the clean up effort.
Please sigh up below.
Players confirmed: Marc, Doug, Johnny, Joe, Carole, Roger M, Mike C, Cecile, Carolyn H, Scott, Pete, Cheryl, Dave P, Roger D, Steve, David H, JP, Dan S, David B, Garnet, Lynn, Bruce, louis, Jean-Guy, JF, Bob, Lise, Sean, Sue, Shawn P, Mark P, Pat, Steph, Paul M, Suzanne, Guy B, JP2
Dave and I will be there
I will be there and so is my friend DavidD.
Thanks, RogerD
i am in, hope holiday was great.
I’ll be there. JP
I’m in.
Dan S
Marc, Please change my friend’s name:David_D for
David B_. Thanks.
We’ll be there, thanks.
I’ll be there
yes will attend
Hi Marc
I am going to Simon and Garfunkel that night so won’t make this one…although I did brainstorm with Doug on how to accomplish
count me in…
Count me in also. . .
Will be there Bob & Lise
hey Marc
I’m in (if I’m allowed) !!
one spot left!
Looking forward to it!
We are considering a fourth table. Please express interest and we will advise.
Count me in please
Pat C. & Steph. will attend.
I’m in if there’s room
Marc, they postponed the Simon and Garfunkel concert. I am now available to play if you add that fourth table.
we are officially Full. Anybody else goes on the waiting list.
If there is space for one more, my buddy John Forest would like to play. Let me know. Thanks
I`ll be there, thanks
message from Miami, South Beach
Give my spot away to JP’s buddy or someone else on the waiting list. My car died and this will be tough because we are down to one car and Jenn has to be at work in Brockville when you guys will be putting your first blinds in..Sorry about this…
Hi Marc. Sorry – I am no longer able to make it on Friday night. Will catch you next time. Thanks.
Regretably,DavidB will not be able to play this Friday’s Tournament. Hope a replacment can be found.
Marc, can not play tonight hopefully someone could take my spot.
We are once again full. Guy and JP please confirm my email to you.