April Event Information

April  2nd is the next date on the CLPT

The next event is on Good Friday, April 2nd @ 3:00pm in the basement location.  This will be the last event prior to moving to the Garage location.

This location has a concrete floor, so bring appropriate footware. No boots will be allowed in. Please enter via the garage door.

This is a special Big Stack event.  Buy-in is 40$ which will include a pizza dinner (food only).   The event begins promptly at 3:00pm with a dinner break at 6:00pm.  Expect the road to the final table to take 6 hours.

Payout and re-buy period will be based on the number of confirmed players.

The event is limited to the first 30 players to sign up.

Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself. Also, please keep your drinks to cans to ease the clean up effort.

Please sigh up below.

Players confirmed: Marc, Doug, Johnny, Joe, Carole, Roger M, JF, Brian F, Roger D, Garnet, Pete, JP, Louis, Scott, Dan S, Lynn, Bruce, Jean-Guy, Cheryl, Dave P, Bob, Lise, Denzil B, David B, Pat C, Steph, Guy,  Paul M

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