January Information
Please see Cheryl’s Audition Video for the
Pokerstars Million Dollar Challenge and cheer her on!
The CLPT is proud to announce the launch ofhe 2010 CLPT tour.
The first event will be held on January 8th, 2010 at 7:00pm (sharp). Â The event is returning to its roots and is being held at the basement location.
This location has a concrete floor, so bring appropriate footware. Â No boots will be allowed in. Â Please enter via the garage door.
The event is limited to 24 players (3 tables of 8). Â The game is initialy limited to players who have played with us in the past. Â Begining January 4th, we will accept new players if there is space available.
No major changes to buy-ins, payouts, and format are anticipated for this season. Â We are, however, open to suggestions to improve the playing experience.
Please bring snacks to share with others if you enjoy them yourself. Â Also, please keep your drinks to cans to ease the clean up effort.
Please sigh up below.
Players confirmed: Marc, Doug, Johnny, Roger D, Lynn, Bruce, David H, Jean-Guy B, Jean-Guy L, Joe, Carole,  Brian, Scott, JP, Dan, Sean O, Marc P, Cheryl,  Garnet, Roger M, Patrick C, Steph P, Brandie, Bob B, Lise, Louis, Steve, Dan P, Pete, Guy B, JF, Marc Le, Caroline
Count me in. will be there.
I’m in, I’ll try to make more than 5 tournaments this year!!! I’ll wait for Bruce as he sometimes goes to Toronto for his birthday weekend. I’ll confirm with him over the holidays.
I will be there to start the new season
David H
Hi Marc, I’m in.
I’ll be there I leave the next day for Vancouver but hey what the heck….might as well play an all in before I leave since I will miss the Feb tournament as I will be away all of FEb for the Olympics in Vancouver…
Joe and I will be there.
Salut Marc, Dan Paris is in also. Thanks.
I will be there.
Time to get the t-shirts printed. I’m in…
I am in .
I’m in. I also agree we should get t-shirts done for the regulars. JP
I’m in.
Dan S
hey Marc
I’m in
Merry X-mas everyone (even you Joe) !!!
Count me in!
Merry Christmas and a fantastic healthy New Year!
Bruce is in!
I’ll be there.
Garnet is in for the Jan. tournament
Patrick Cyr
Steph Payant
Brandie Grabowski
Will be there
Bob Bedard
Lise Larocque
Will attend
We are now full.
What? No way man.
Oh well, let me know if there are any cancellations.
Roger M.
I’m in. Thanks
Still have room Marc?
Louis, I had put you in already.
hey Marc
I have to withdraw my donation to the rest of the people for this Friday’s event — I hope to be able to attend February’s and donate my money then…
By the way Cheryl, cool video !! Just glad there wasn’t a close up on Johnny’s feet !!!!!!!
Happy New Year everyone !
Hello Marc, uffortunetly Brandie will not be able to participate in the league but I have JF Seguin who is willing to take her place. Let me know if its a problem.
Salut Marc, If you’re missing any players I can probably get one that played before, let me know.
We are overbooked as it is… Thanks!