September Tournament Details
The next date on the CLPT is September 18th, 2009
Start time is 7:00 pmwhich will be strictly abided by.
** The buy in for this event will be 30$ with no bounties ** Exact change please
This event will be our open house tournament and are therefore aiming for 40 players. If you have friends that want to play, this is the event to bring them. Firm attendance required, and late cancellations will be frowned upon.  Please indicate names and last name initial when confirming.   Lots of points will be available for grabs.
This event is being held in the garage location.  Please bring your coolers as the fridges are not be available.
The following players have confirmed
Marc, Johnny, Doug, JP, Louis, Brian, Joe, Carole, Pete, Mark P, Carmen, Jean-Guy B, Scott, Roger, Theresa,Roger M, Dan, Jaz, Mel, Bob, Lise, Frank V, Gilles C, Sylvain M, Anne-Marie, Chris H, Denis, Cheryl, David H, Pat, Brandy, Steph P, Alain L,Lynn, Bruce, Brian G, Dan V, Dan P, Steve T,  Frank L
Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm. If you like having the food that is available, please contribute as well.
Please confirm below.
Count me in. JP
I will be there
I’ll be there.
We’ll be there. Thank you.
hey Marc, its me, surprise I remembered, I will be there and if its OK I have 2 friends that would like to play also. Thks
Salut Marc, I’m in.
I will be there.
Thanks Scott
Yes Marc, I’m in. thanks
Count me in!
Hey Marc, I have one more friend that would like to play.
Thks Pete
Hey Marc, I have a couple of friends that would like to play. Can you let me know if it’s ok. JP
Oh wow, are we playing “again”?
Ok then, count me in.
Aiming for 4th place this time.
I’m in.
Dan S
Jaz and Mel, Bob and Lise will join us. Thank you.
My friend Frank V. and my cousin Gilles C. would like to play if there’s place. Thanks, JP.
Marc, Sylvain M. is in. Thanks.
Marc, Annemarie M. is also in. Thanks.
I have chris Hamilton and Denis st Jean in for the tournament. Scott
Hi Marc,
I’ll be there on the 18th. Cheryl
Sorry I’ll be down east.
I will be there
Pat Cyr, Brandy and Steph Payant will join us as well.
Thank you.
Salut Marc, Alain Laframboise is in. Thanks
Our daughter, Caroline Mitchell will be playing.
Lynn & Bruce are in.
Marc, Caroline can’t come after all.
Dan V is in (scott)
Steve J is out (pete)
I noticed my name twice on the list. Is there another JP? Let me know. Thanks, JP
JP, looks like a mistake. Thanks for catching that.
salut Marc, Dan Paris is in. Thanks.
Hi Marc, I have 2 more players to add. They work for Johnny and they’re doing work at Dan Paris house. They indicated that Johnny was suppose to put their names in. Their names are Steve Tyrell and Frank Lima, you might want to check with Johnny before confirming. Thanks.