June Event Details
The next date on the CLPT is June 26th, 2009
Start time is 7:00 pm which will be strictly abided by. The event is initially limited to 30 players, however another table may be added if there is interest. This tourney will be located in the garage location.
Please bring your coolers as the fridges will not be available.
The following players have confirmed
Marc, Johnny, Doug, Joe, Carole, Dan S, Scott, JP, Roger D, Roger M, David, Bruce, Pete, Marc Le, Caroline, Jean-Guy,Brian, Louis, Sean, Garnet,Steve, Scott L
Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm. If you like having the food that is available, please contribute as well.
Please confirm below.
We’ll be there. Thanks.
I’m in.
Dan S
I will bring the bounty .
I’ll be there. JP
I will be there. RogerD
I’m in – cant afford to loose any grounds in the hunt for top ten… LOL.
I will be there, David H
Bruce will be there.
Lynn will show up around 8:30 and I’ll be your tournament director if you like, won’t get there in time to play!
We are officially in.
Looking forward to it!
I can’t make it this month. Good luck everyone.
Count me in but you might have to blind me in depending on how the Davis Golf tourney goes but I’m in.
I will be there
I am going to have to cancel for this time. I’ll catch you next time. ~Theresa
Hey Marc — I’m in — see you next Friday — bring my hockey pool winnings !!
hi Marc count me in
Hey Marc,
I’m going to have to bail for Friday.
Dan S
Sorry I will not be able to attend the game, must go to a funeral in Regina.
I’m in.
sorry for the late reply I’ll be there
With an even two tables signed up, were declaring the game full. Also, the game is returning to its roots, and while still in the garage, is located at the basement location.
Hey Marc,
Caro and I have to cancel. I was informed this week that we are meeting the woman doing the wedding ceremony tonight at 7h30…. I<ll try to find your phone number too.
Sorry about this, we<ll be there next time.