May Event Details

The next date on the CLPT is May 22nd, 2009

Start time is 7:00 pm which will be strictly abided by. The event is limited to 30 players and will be located in the garage location.

Please bring your coolers as the fridges will not be available.

The following players have confirmed

Marc, Johnny, Doug, Pete, Scott, Cheryl, Carole, Joe, Roger D, Dan, Jean-Guy, Sean, Brian, JP, David, Garnet, Paul H, Roger M, Marc L, Caroline, Scott, Theresa, Lynn, Bruce,Louis,Dave P, Chris B, Scott L, Mike Sa, Sylvain M, Annemarie, Steve, Jon B, Keith

Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm. If you like having the food that is available, please consider contributing as well.

Please confirm below.

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