May Event Details
The next date on the CLPT is May 22nd, 2009
Start time is 7:00 pm which will be strictly abided by. The event is limited to 30 players and will be located in the garage location.
Please bring your coolers as the fridges will not be available.
The following players have confirmed
Marc, Johnny, Doug, Pete, Scott, Cheryl, Carole, Joe, Roger D, Dan, Jean-Guy, Sean, Brian, JP, David, Garnet, Paul H, Roger M, Marc L, Caroline, Scott, Theresa, Lynn, Bruce,Louis,Dave P, Chris B, Scott L, Mike Sa, Sylvain M, Annemarie, Steve, Jon B, Keith
Registration is from 6:00pm-6:50pm. Seating will begin at 6:50pm with a start of 7:00pm. If you like having the food that is available, please consider contributing as well.
Please confirm below.
Im in for the 22 May. Thanks, RogerD
I’m in.
Dan S.
Salut Marc, I’m in for the 22nd. My buddies would also be interested, let me know if there’s room for them. Thanks
hey Marc — see you on the 22nd
Count me in.
Count me in. I’ll be celebrating my 40th B-Day. JP
Count me in for the 22 May 2009
Thank You
Hi: count me in
I’m in.
I’ll be there…
We are in. The bullseye is on me (marc)……. Get your target practice in before the 22nd.
I will be there.
Looking forward to it!
Bruce and I are good!
I’m in
Hi Marc,
Put Dave down. He thinks he will be able to make it. I have invited 3 other people, Chris Barrie, Scott Lawson, and Mike Saucier. None of them have confirmed whether or not they will make it but I wanted to give you a heads up.
Salut Marc, If there’s room I have 4 people that have played before that would like to play. Their names are Sylvain and Annemarie Montmigny, Dan Paris, Alain Laframboise. Thank you
Cheryl, please let me know asap their status either way.
Jean-Guy, Sylvain and Annemarie are in. I need to wait for Dan and Alain.
I’m in
Hi Marc,
Chris B. will not be able to play on Friday. Scott L. will be there. I haven’t heard back from Mike yet.
With Steve gracing us with his presence, makes it 30. Thank your for all your interest. We plan a bigger tourney in June, so check back.
Hi Marc
Sorry for the last minute, but I will not be attending tomorrow evening’s shi-na-ni-gans (I assume that is how you sorta spell it)….see you next month.
Room for one more… First one to confirm is in
im in for the last spot Marc–sorry for the late response but I’ve been busy. If there is room Keith would play.
We are full again.
i will have to drop out for tonight, but Keith will take my spot.
There is room for one more as i’ve double counted someone.
Salut Marc, Dan P will play. Thanks. Jean-Guy
Thanks Jean-Guy… Were now full again.