January Event Details
The CLPT is proud to announce the launch of the 2009 CLPT tour.
The first event will be held on January 23rd, 2009 at 7:00pm (sharp) at the basement location.
The event is limited to 24 players (3 tables of 8).
The 2009 season incorporates the following changes:
- Remove a blind level and re-distribute to the later rounds
- A player must be present to collect their winnings. Any remaining prizes will be added to the first prize.
- The tournament of champions hold back will be set to 3$ per buy-in
As always, please confirm below your attendance
Confirmed players: Marc, Doug, Johnny, JP, Brian, Louis, Garnet, Cheryl, Keith, Scott, Paul H, Steve, Roger D, Mike C, George, Joe, Carole, Lynn, Bruce, Roger M, Theresa, Caroline, Marc L, Jim W, Kevin
Marc is in
Doug is in
Johnny is in
I won’t be able to make it for this one.
Brian is is
Marc, count me in. JP
2009 is my year
Marc I’m in. I know that the the tourney is limited, can I invite my buddies that came last year??
Let’s wait until the 19th and let the regulars trickle in. We can open it up then to fill in the remaining spots.
Marc:I’m in
Hey Marc
Unfortunately, I will be basking in the sunshine of Mexico that week…
I would like to thank all of my fans (I mean, FAN) that voted for me in the poll — appreciate the confidence and will do my best to make you proud !!!
I’ll be there.
BTW Louis, look at the poll, 2009 is going to be my year.
We will both be there. Thank you.
Keith, Brent and I are in for the 23rd. Nice new site–very professional
I Will be there.
Thanks Scott
I’ll be there.
Steve Sauve is in as well.
Jean-Guy Lalonde will be there as well.
remove Brent for the 23rd
Count me in
Mike C will play if there is room on the 23rd
If there’s room, I’m in.
I am in.
I’m waiting until tuesday to start confirming new members. Check back wednesday please.
Marc, We’ll be there.
Joe & Carole
I’ll be there!
Count me in
This event is now full. Thanks to all the regulars for coming back. For those new players who expressed interest to play, my apologies, however be on the look out for our garage events were we will be able to accomodate larger crowds.
I guess I missed out….seems to be filled up already is it!?!
Oh well, shit happens.
Hey Marc,
We are in. Marc and Caro
i’ll have to pull out for friday–mike c and keith will still play however–is that ok
sorry for the short notice–hockey again