June Tournament News


The CLPT is announcing that June 27th is the date of the June event. Start time is 7:00pm which will be strictly abided by. Please confirm by leaving a comment below or by email.

The following players have confirmed

Marc, Doug, Jochhnny, Paul H, Roger, Lynn, Carole, Bruce, Jean-Guy, Sean, Dan, Theresa, Cayse, Martin, Scott, Brian, JP, Garnet, John, Marty, Ed, Cordell, Mike C, Keith, Max, Brent, Sylain M, Stephane G, Daniel, Paul M, George, Yuan, Paul F, Dan F, Jean-Guy L, Steve, Jim, Cecile, Suzanne

This will be a garage event. Players from the May tournament are automatically invited. Please check with the CLPT office if you wish to bring additional players.

Registration is from 6:00pm-6:45pm. Seating will begin at 6:45pm with a start of 7:00pm.

  • Buy-in is 20$ with unlimited re-buys of 20$ in the first round.
  • This event is being held in the garage location. Parking is on the street
  • If you can enjoy the snacks during the games, consider bringing something to share as well.
  • Parking in the driveway is limited, therefore in consideration of others, the deeper in the driveway you park the later you must stay
  • .

    Any other questions can be left below

    Cheryl begins her run for the top with her first ever CLPT win. Joe maintains his lead with a top 10 finish. Fifth to thirteenth place is getting crowded as players make their move for the top ten.

    2008 Leaders

    Joe 24.10   Sean 21.30
    Cheryl 15.36
    John B
    Marc R
    Louis 12.16
    Steve 11.88

    Please confirm below for the June tourney

    1 218 219 220 221 222 257