August Result
New Faces
Twenty six players attended the August event resulting in a 576$ prize pool. There was lots of early action with 6 rebuys and 5 players busting out in round 2 alone. Top leaders, Johnny and Lynn were among the early notable exits. Our top 5 this month had some new faces with Marc R and Martin making their first showings. Marc R finished 5th in another up and down game, including knocking two players out in a 4 way all in.
Doug continued his hunt for 1st place in the player of the year standings with a solid 4th. Scott finished a strong 3rd, while Martin finshied 2nd making it his best finish ever on the CLPT. Garage specialist, Jean-Guy rode the river for his second 1st place finish this year. Jean-Guy had a wild night and went from being knocked out twice to the big winner. Congratulations.
We are reviewing the optional bounty as it is becoming an administrive problem. Please vote in the poll to give us an idea on how you feel on the issue.
Stay tuned for the announcement of the next date on the CLPT.