2017 Wrap Up

Tournament of Champions Wrap-Up

Congratulations to Roger who won the tournament of champions

Roger adds the TOC win to his Player of the Year honors

Thanks everyone for a great year

1 50 51 52 53 54 257


  • Peter Murton

    Roger looks like one of those clones from the movie “The Island” who learns that they’ve won the lottery and get to retire in a far-away paradise. Let’s hope he’s not actually being dragged off to a grisly demise never to be heard from again! (Sorry for the spoiler)

    Congrats Roger – Funny we were just trying to figure out at the satellite tourney if anyone had ever won both – Now we have our answer!

  • Roger

    Did I do that?
    Still think it’s a dream. What a year. The most fun is just playing with all my poker buddies. Thanks again Cecile and Marc for hosting these events. Gracias.

  • MikeC

    congrat Rogers!

  • Professor

    Congrats Roger!
    When does the new season start up?

  • MarkP

    Congratulations Roger.
    Thanks to the fantastic hosts Marc and Cecile for their wonderful hospitality.
    See you in the spring
    Merry Christmas to all and a fantastic New Year.