Small change to point formula
A small change is being done to the point formula.
The current formula of
sqrt(( (numberOfPlayers * buyinCost) * ( buyinCost / TotalCost) )) / (rank+1.0)
has a problem with total cost. The total cost included the bounty cost which means that players who did not buy a bounty had a slight point advantage as the bounty cost worked to reduced the points awarded.
The forumla has been changed to:
sqrt(( (numberOfPlayers * buyinCost) * ( buyinCost / (buyinCost+rebuyCost)) )) / (rank+1.0)
where TotalCost is replaced by buyinCost+rebuyCost which makes bounty players on a level playing field by not taking into account the bounty altogether.
The leader board has been changed accordingly.